Special Feature For A MetaMask Account

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В этой теме 0 ответов, 1 участник, последнее обновление  jennifer 3 года, 2 месяцев назад.

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  • #7617


    MetaMask login serves as an Ethereum wallet: By putting in it, you’ll get get admission to to a completely unique Ethereum public address, with which you may begin sending and receiving ether or tokens.But MetaMask does some thing extra than an Ethereum wallet. As a browser extension, it may engage with the present day website you’re browsing. It does so via way of means of injecting a JavaScript library known as web3js in each website you visit. Once injected, a web3 item may be to be had withinside the JavaScript code of this website. To have a examine what this item appears like, simply kind windowweb3 withinside the Chrome or Firefox DevTools console, when you have MetaMask installed.

    • Эта тема была изменена 3 года, 2 месяцев назад от  jennifer.
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